• Reese Anderson Green, Artist



  • Reese Anderson Green



    Bachlor of Art Degree, Moravian College in Bethlehem, PA

    Major in Studio Art, Minor in Communication and Minor in Business


    As a child, I enjoyed drawing whenever the opportunity presented itself, sometimes on a blank sheet of paper, sometimes in the margins of coloring books, or blank pages that may happen to be part of a coloring book or other type of book, and, to the dismay of my teachers, on desks and other teaching materials.

    Art was always offered as part of the curriculum in the public schools I attended, growing up on Long Island, first in the town of Deer Park, then in the town of Cutchogue. The classes provided much valuable instruction, as well as, exposure to the posibilites in art and various art mediums. My parents considered private art lessons, but Cutchogue is a rural area and private art lessons were not easily accessible because I would need to driven quite a disstance on a regular basis to attend and my parents did not have time in their busy schedules to do so.

    Later, attending Preparatory school in Washington D.C., I had easy access to art museums of the Smithsonian Institute and the National Gallery of Art.

    As a young adult, I moved away from art and art classes for several years, but returned to it in my mid-twenties after returning to college, where I majored in Studio Art, primarily focusing on painting, but also studied drawing, watercolor, sculpture, printmaking and graphic design.

    Currently, my main focus is in painting, both in oil and acrylic paint.

    I had the good fortune to study at two colleges that each offer an excellent quality of art instruction. While temporarily living in Mobile, Alabama, I took art courses at the University of South Alabama. Subsequently, I moved to the Lehigh Valley region and continued my study of art at Moravian College in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, where I completed my degree in Studio Art with minors of Business and Communications.

    Ever seeking a fresh perspective, I like to challenge myself on several different levels when embarking on an art project. My current endeavor, "Pages of Infinity; Sky", a series consisting of several of my own original designs, aside from being a challenge in color, 3-dimensional effect, composition and visual interest, has a goal of promoting peace by way of engaging others in thoughts other than non-peaceful subject matter. The impetus for this goal was the realization that with most, if not all, reports and discussion on the subject of civil unrest there is no alternative presented, nothing to which one can shift one's focus.

    After having studied the subject of behavior modification, I have been very compelled by the principle of 'replacing a behavior'. When one wishes to eliminate a behavoir or thought, replacing that behavior with something healthy/positive can yeild more successful results than simply attempting to stop the unwanted behavior.

    One of the goals that developed in creating this particular series of works was the hope to bring awareness to the many things which we have in common as beings inhabiting the common planet - the sky being one of them. Aside from being a very beautiful and captivating subject, she hopes to raise awareness that, somewhere else, others are viewing the same sky, but, perhaps in a different 'form'; if it is day here, it may be night elsewhere, etc.

    The behavior of focusing on what we have the privilege of sharing - our commonalities - could bring thoughts of unity and constructive behaviors instead of the oppostie thereof.

    "I have wondered what has caused the thought process that originates war and had hypothosized it could be based on lack of recognition of the unity of creation.

    Humankind has so much in common - so many good things in common. How much better off would we all be if we all focused on the best of life? The unifing issues and life that we have the privilege of sharing? On what other thoughts and helpful commonalities could we all dwell? To replace that which is not peace with that which is peaceful, constructive and happy is one of my 'life goals' and I hope to inspire others to embark on the same goal.


  • The Blog

    Thoughts, musings, and ruminations.

    There are no published blog posts yet.
  • Videos

    These videos are for the purpose of presenting some background on this series of paintings; how I came up with the idea, the overall theme for this series, my construction of a painting, use of elements of design and other details are presented as I work on one of pieces. These are not 'how-to' videos, just discussion and demonstration.


    These are 'amateur videos', shot by me with a digital camera, please overlook any video mistakes. I have yet to develop the skills to properly edit these video. I hope to do so in the near future.


    I am finding that I like the video process, as it helps keep me focused.


    Please check back for future developments or contact us and we can get your information to send you updates and news.

    Thank you for your time and attention!


    The start of the series

    Starting a painting is very basic, startng with a drawing; preferably charcoal, and continuing with the underpainting.

    Nov 18, 2017

    continuing to refine the composition

    Discussion, description, Oil Painting